Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday Made-It: Jewelry Organization

Happy Monday!  I have been reading a few Monday Made-Its and decided I would post one of my own.  I only have one because I have been so busy with the twins, so here goes...
I have this WONDERFUL jewelry box that doubles as a full length mirror.  It is one of my favorite pieces of furniture I have ever owned.  It is beautiful and very functional.
 However, throughout the years, I have filled it so much, it had become unusable due to overcrowding.  So, I decided to organize my jewelry.  When I did, I realized that bracelets are hard to organize and didn't really have a designated place in the box.  So, I decided to move them out.  We recently built a house and we had drawers built in to our closet.  I had an extra one that was sitting was perfect!
I found a piece of cardboard and a scrap of fabric left over from a bulletin board (I only cover bulletin boards with fabric) and stapled it onto the cardboard to create a decorative drawer surface.
Then, I loaded all my bracelets in the drawer and it is perfect!  I was more than pleased with the way it turned out.  The bracelets fit well and it offered up so much space in the jewelry box.

 Now, I can find all of my jewelry pieces so much easier.  I am much more likely to wear it when I can see it. Here is the inside of the box.
Thanks for reading!  If you have any other great suggestions for organizing your jewelry, please leave a comment below. 
Thanks to 4th Grade Frolics for allowing me to Link Up!


  1. I NEED one of those! I was just trying to organize all my jewelry and I just don't have a great place for it all.

    I {Heart} Recess

  2. Organizing jewelry can be such a pain! I LOVE my big jewelry box. It is the best invention and almost big enough for everything!

  3. I like your idea of bracelets in the drawer. I have mine on a paper towel holder and it is not big enough nor can I see them all. I will be adding this to my to do list.
    Wild & Fun in Pre-K

  4. Jessica,
    I am so glad you mentioned that. I have seen that idea on Pinterest and thought about trying it myself, but I wondered about not being able to easily access each one. I hope the drawer works out for you! :)


  5. I'm super jealous of you jewelry/mirror thing! I wish I had something as awesome as that. I found you through the linky and I'm your newest follower!
    Keep Calm and Hoot On

  6. Hi Rissa! Thanks for stopping by! I checked out your blog and saw that you're an Arkansas blogger. Me too! :)


  7. Where oh where did you get that fabulous jewelry mirror thing? LOVE! You did a great job with your drawer. I pinned it for future reference!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  8. Hi Alison! I got it a few years ago from JCPenney (I think that's was a gift). I did a quick search and couldn't find the exact one, but here is a link to one that is almost the same.

    Thanks for stopping by and pinning!


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