Monday, June 29, 2015

Two for Tuesday with Kacie Travis

Two for Tuesday! 50% off TWO great products!

If there is one thing teachers need to do during summer break, it’s rest. If there is one thing teachers actually do, it’s prepare for the next school year. Actively or passively, yet constantly in thought, our brains don’t completely shut down. We are always thinking of ways to make it a successful year.

As a veteran teacher, I can assure teachers that the key to a wonderful year is to have well-taught and well-practiced procedures. Today, I am showcasing my two Procedure PowerPoints, which provide teachers with a comprehensive list of procedures to teach with a fun, interesting spin on how to teach them. Each slide has a detailed description with suggestions for how to set up your procedure and ways to practice them with your students. There are relevant brain breaks built in throughout the presentation to add to the fun!

I am linking up with Chalk One Up for the Teacher for Two for Tuesday which means the two products will be half off for the Tuesday only. Grab the design that best fits your style while ½ off!

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